• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411
LogoFinal C1
  • septembrie 7, 2015

Apel pentru organizatii neguvernamentale interesate de cresterea calitatii muncii cu voluntarii SEV

Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca cauta 7 organizatii, acreditate pentru proiecte SEV (Serviciul European de Voluntariat), interesate de cresterea calitatii muncii cu voluntarii internationali. Activitatile propuse sunt parte din proiectul “EVSification” si includ un curs de formare pe tema managementului voluntarilor in contextul proiectelor SEV (va avea loc in luna noiembrie in Selce, Slovacia) si un proces de mentorat unu-la-unu (pe o perioada de 6 luni).

Organizatiile interesate pot aplica pana in data de 27 septembrie 2015 prin completarea formularului (acesta poate fi descarcat accesand link-ul din josul paginii). Formularul completat trebuie trimis pe adresa: evscluj@voluntariat.ro

Mai multe detalii despre activitatile in care vor fi implicate organizatiile selectate dar si despre criteriile de selectie se gasesc in mesajul in limba engleza de mai jos. Mentionam ca activitatile din timpul cursului de formare din luna noiembrie vor fi in limba engleza,acesta incluzand participanti din Romania, Polonia si Slovacia. In acelasi timp, procesul de mentorat va fi derulat in limba romana, fiind asigurat de un membru al echipei Centrului de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca.


The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre , is searching for 7 organizations active in EVS that are interested in increasing the quality of the projects implemented by developing an efficient system of EVS volunteer management.

The proposed activities are part of the “EVSification” project implemented by the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre (Romania) together with its two partners FERSO (Poland) and Centrum Dobrovolnictva (Slovakia). The project aims at the development of the organizational capacity of the non-governmental organizations in the three countries, in order to involve EVS volunteers into their programs in a professional and efficient manner. The project is implemented through the Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partenerships, with the financial support of the European Comission.

Exploring and sharing good practices related to the efficient management of volunteers in the context of EVS projects.

How will we do this?
We are proposing a process focused on improving the quality of the EVS projects implemented by 7 Romanian organizations by developing an efficient system for the coordination of EVS volunteers. This will be done in two distinct phases: first of all a 4 days training course on this topic, followed by a one-on-one mentoring process.

The training will have a duration of 4 days (November 2015) and it will include 21 participants from Romania, Slovakia and Poland. Participants will have the opportunity to:
– understand the multiple roles of a volunteer coordinator in EVS projects – and creating a personal vision about this role;
– understand the importance of different steps in the volunteer management system (from preparation, recruitment and selection to supervision and evaluation) and how these apply in EVS projects;
– develop skills and attitudes that will increase the efficiency of the EVS coordinator in assisting volunteers in entire process specific to EVS projects;
– explore/learn/test/adapt/create new tools relevant for the EVS volunteers’ management system;
– contribute to creating a group of youth workers that will afterwards lay the foundations for future co-operations in EVS projects.

The training is followed by the mentoring process that will be done one-on-one by the staff of Cluj Napoca Volunteer Centre . Over a period of 6 months, we will work together with 5 of the 7 organizations participating in the training in identifying their main needs and offering suport in creating an individualized action plan for their EVS volunteer management system (ex: developing recruitment strategies, offering support for the implementation of the induction process, feedback on documents and tools used with EVS volunteers, facilitating the learning process of volunteers etc.). The 5 mentored organization will be selected after the training course in Slovakia.

3 – 8 November 2015 (including arrival and departure days) – training in Slovakia
January – June 2016 for the mentoring process

The training will take place in Selce, near Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. It is located in beautiful mountains area, 7 km away from Banská Bystrica. It offers great value accommodation for the needs of group and training course. Seee more here: www.selcianka.sk
The mentoring process will be based on online and telephone communication but also on face to face meetings that will be decided together with the participating organizations.

Who? Your organization!
If your organization:

• is accredited for EVS projects (hosting accredtitation);
• has experience in implementing EVS projects (minimum one hosting or coordinating project implemented or that is in implementation at the date of application);
• is motivated in becoming more professional and equipping the staff members to involve EVS volunteers in accordance with the long term strategy of the organization;
• is motivated in taking part in the one-on-one mentoring process and implementing the action plan to improve the EVS volunteer management system;
• will delegate one person (the EVS volunteer coordinator) for actively taking part in the entire process describe above: training (3-8 November 2015) and mentoring process (January – June 2016);
• fills in the application form until the set deadline (27th September 2015);

…then you are the organization we are looking for!

We will use methods specific to non-formal education and learning, both individual and group methods, taking into consideration the participants’ needs. Some example of the methods are: personal development tools: (feedback games cards, skills cards, self knowledge cards, etc.), group work, role-play, simulation, debates, open space, workshops, individual and group reflections, etc.

According to the rules of the Erasmus+ Programme, the costs covered for the training course include: 100% of accommodation and food as well as international travel costs (in the maximum amount of 275 euro, calculated based on the distance band between Romania and Slovakia ).

If this sounds like something you want to do, apply now!
How to do that? Fill in the form and send it via email to evscluj@voluntariat.ro (Oana Ticle). The application is open for organizations interested in participating in the entire process, until the 27th of September, each applicant being informed via email about the results of the selection until the end of September.

About us
The EVSification project is proposed by Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca, Romania in partnership with FERSO, Poland and Centrum dobrovolnictva, Slovakia, under the Strategic Partnerships (Youth) of the Erasmus+ Programme. All three organizations are active in the field of volunteering in general and EVS in particular. The partners have an extensive experience in EVS volunteer management, the main topic of the project.

The project aims at contributing to the consolidation of the volunteering movement in the three countries by developing the organizational capacity of volunteer involving organizations in relation to EVS projects. The project’s activities focus on the topic of volunteer management in the context of EVS projects.

The project has a duration of 20 months and its anticipated results include 3 intellectual outputs:
– EVS Volunteer Management Manual – the manual aims at creating a complex document on volunteer management in EVS projects, addressed to all organizations and coordinators involved in EVS. The content of the manual will include theoretical content on the 9 steps of volunteer management, useful instruments, case-studies, tips in volunteer management,etc. The manual will be created in printed and digital version, both in English and in the native languages of the three partners – Romanian, Slovak and Polish.
-EVSification Recipe Design – based on the manual, the partner organizations will create a training course design, for organizations that have the motivation and capacity to replicate and disseminate their learning results in EVS projects. The design will be available in digital format and will be sent upon request to any organization and youth workers interested.
-Webinars – The partners will organize 3 webinars on topics related to EVS, open to all participants interested in these. A webinar is a live presentation, lecture or workshop that happens in real time, as users participate through chatting or video-chatting, file-sharing, or asking questions with a microphone.