• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411

Organization history

The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center (CVCN) was legally established in December 2004, from the local programs department of the Pro Vobis National Volunteer Center. Therefore, the history of the organization is much broader than that which has elapsed since its establishment until now.

The objectives of the organization

  • Increasing the number of volunteers from public institutions and non-governmental organizations in Cluj;
  • Increasing the degree of community involvement of the citizens of Cluj County;
  • Increasing the degree of innovation in the field of volunteering;
  • Increasing the visibility of volunteering among members of the Cluj community.

Locally and nationally ...

  • The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center is a member of the National Network of Volunteer Centers in Romania;
  • The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center is a member of VOLUM – Federation of Organizations Supporting the Development of Volunteering in Romania;
  • Rich expertise in the field of volunteer management and volunteer programs;
  • The organizational culture is based on the principles of direct collaboration with Cluj organizations and institutions;
  • A realistic strategy, based on consistent input from community stakeholders;
    Position and role of “resource center” for the Cluj community in the field of volunteering.
Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center promotes the principle of non-discrimination in all activities! As a result, we encourage people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or social status to get involved as volunteers in the local community!

Our Team

Nicoleta Chiș-Racolța                       Cristian Pașka                              Raluca Popa

Executive Director                         Program Coordinator                 Program Coordinator

Lia Valendorfean                             Adela Văsa

Manager Europe Direct Cluj       Administrative Assistant