• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411

europe direct cluj

About the Europe Direct Cluj Center


Europe Direct Cluj, the new local office of the European Union, is a member of the Europe Direct network in Romania, which, in turn, is part of a network of centers at European level, being managed by the European Commission. These centers bring Europe closer to its citizens and help them to become concretely involved in timely debates on the future of the EU.

Europe Direct Cluj is hosted, starting with May 2021, by the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center, one of the oldest and most impactful non-governmental organizations in Cluj.

The Europe Direct Cluj Center is practically an information point where every interested citizen can call to meet an expert on European issues, to ask questions about the EU, to discuss the future of the EU with other European citizens and to find references for other sources. information and networks.

Europe Direct Cluj organizes activities such as: local debates with all stakeholders on EU priorities, creating local partnerships, for example with the press or schools, etc. It also organizes presentations and distributes official EU publications.

Europe Direct Cluj supports the European institutions for a better understanding of the specificities, concerns and public opinion in Cluj.

In short, the purpose of Europe Direct Cluj is to make Europe more accessible to the people of Cluj, but also to debate with them about the European Union and its policies, priorities and future.

You can contact us if you have questions about EU policies, programs and priorities and if you would like to get involved in events about the future of the EU.

All our services are offered free of charge.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice and we are not in a position to interpret EU law. To find out more about centers in EU Member States, including Romania, please click here.