• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411
CpV - afiș refăcut

Volunteering – a topic of interest on the public agenda at national level


In 2014, the most recent updates of the legal framework regarding volunteering in Romania were made, by creating the Volunteering Law no. 78/2014, as a result of the efforts of the Federation VOLUME – Federation of Organizations Supporting the Development of Volunteering in Romania and its partners.


The legislative approach was based on a broad consultation with organizations working with volunteers and had a beneficial impact on the volunteer sector, by increasing the quality of volunteer programs, as well as by increasing their visibility and recognition.

Strengthening the volunteer movement in Romania


The Coalition aims to strengthen the volunteer movement in Romania in order to stimulate involvement and civic awareness, by taking steps to complete the Volunteering Law no. 78/2014 with methodological norms, for the correct, unitary and transparent application of the legislative provisions.

How did we set out to do that?

1. By carrying out the steps to complete the Volunteering Law no. 78/2014 with methodological norms;

2. By developing an online platform with information and working models;

3. By organizing training events for non-governmental organizations active in the field of volunteering – webinars, training sessions, national consultations, conference with international participation on advocacy topics.

The project runs for a period of two years (March 2021 – February 2023) and involves both organizations working with volunteers, local and national decision makers, and volunteers.

The Coalition for Volunteering project is developed by the Bethany Social Services Foundation, in partnership with the Community Support Foundation, Pro Vobis – National Volunteer Resource Center, Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center and Norges Frivilligsentraler and benefits from a funding of 248,990 Euros, through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.


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