• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411
Imagine Articol Website 13 1
  • noiembrie 17, 2021

Upraise – Youth participation for social change

Upraise – Youth participation for social change is a project focused on developing the capacity of youth workers to support the active participation of young people.

The project is based on a transnational strategic partnership through which organizations from Germany, Greece, Cyprus together with the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center will equip youth workers with practical tools that they can then use in their daily work.

During the 24 months of the project, we aim to create resources such as: a manual for facilitators, a toolkit with methods, a toolkit on creating online campaigns and petitions, etc., which will address the topics:

a. Democracy and Human-Rights

b. Fighting Anti-Semitism and Anti-Islamism

c. Gender Equality and Rights to Sexuality

d. Climate Change

The project takes place between June 2020 – May 2022 under the coordination of our partners in Germany, the organization “Gemeinsam Leben und Lernen in Europa e.V.” and is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Program..