• Virgil Fulicea, Nr 1, Cluj-Napoca, ap. 1
  • 0264 431 411
00000180 medium
  • October 16, 2012

The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre – partner at Volunteque 2.0

This event is organised as part of the projects: EVS perFORMing2, implemented by The Creativ Association in partnership with The Art Fusion Association and the Intercultural Institute in Timisoara; and MOVE – Mobility and Volunteering in Europe, implemented by Pro Vorbis in partnership with The Art Fusion Association and the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center.


Both projects are financed by ANPCDEFP,through the Youth in Action program,  Action 2 – Support Structures SEV_ASO, 2012.


In October 2012, Sibiu will host the second edition of the national meeting of those involved in projects implemented through the European Voluntary Service (EVS).


Volunteque 2.0 if the perfect frame for:


  • Improving the quality of the relationships between the different actors involved in EVS.
  • Establishing an action plan adapted to the needs and resources available for 2013, in relation with the development and management of the EVS comunity.
  • Underlining and exploitation of the results obtained in the projects implemented as support structures for the organisations accredited for EVS.


The seminar is open to all:

  • former EVS volunteers
  • representatives of the accredited organisations or from organizations wanting to obtain the accreditation for EVS
  • EVS mentors
  • EVS project coordinators
  • EVS volunteers’ coordinators
  • Youth in Action trainers


The deadline for signinp up is the 17th of October 2012. More details about the seminar and also the procedure for applying can be found by accessing: http://volunteque.blogspot.ro


This event is organised as part of the projects: EVS perFORMing2, implemented by The Creativ Association in partnership with The Art Fusion Association and the Intercultural Institute in Timisoara; and MOVE – Mobility and Volunteering in Europe, implemented by Pro Vorbis in partnership with The Art Fusion Association and the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center.


Both projects are financed by ANPCDEFP,through the Youth in Action program,  Action 2 – Support Structures SEV_ASO, 2012.